29. Your morning determines your whole day
All of us have shitty days. Days where you get nothing done. You feel moody. You can’t get anything right.
When I have one of those days, I can almost always attribute the reason to how I start my day. My morning sets the tone for how I feel for the rest of the day. When I wake up late, I feel grumpy for messing up my schedule. I can’t do things effectively because I feel grumpy. I feel shitty because I can’t do things effectively.
When I start my morning off right on the other hand, my day tends to turn out great. Performing the smallest tasks like making my bed or cooking myself breakfast does make a difference. Early on, It makes me feel that I’ve accomplished something. That I’m in control of my time. That I have control over my life.
As the day goes, that confidence grows. I feel great and I get things done. I feel even better and get even more things done. And I continue to reap the exponential reward as I go through the day.
That’s why my morning is so sacred I protect it dearly. I make sure I have enough sleep to wake up energized. I create ample time to perform my morning routine. I shift meetings and tackle the most important work in the morning. I guard not only my prime-time but also the quality of my whole day.
So start the day right, and see your gloomy days start turning bright.