44. Our poor relationship with our future-self
Studies have shown that people are more likely to take $50 today than $100 one year later. We are naturally more drawn to immediate pleasure than bigger rewards in the future. The fancy term for this is ‘temporal discounting’. Which means the further in the future a reward is, the more we discount its value in the present.
That’s why we make terrible decisions every day. We choose to watch Netflix instead of working. We choose to lie in the bed rather than hitting the gym. We choose to eat that greasy burger rather than the healthy salad.
We all know that it’s important to get work done, stay fit, and eat healthy. But because the reward is so distant in time, the values become pale in comparison to the what is available right in front of us.
That’s why it’s important to align ourselves with our future-self. Acknowledge that temporal discounting exists. That it’s our nature to seek for the easy way out and be blind to the consequences.
The next time we are trying put things off, be mindful that we might not be in the most rational mind to make that decision. Take a step back and reevaluate our options. Analyze their real values. Project ourselves ahead. Do something today that our future-self will forever thank for.