51. Compliment strangers
One of the best feelings I’ve had was receiving a compliment from a stranger. Be it about my talk, work or writing, be it in person, through Instagram or LinkedIn, it was gratifying to know someone you completely didn’t know before actually gain values from what you do.
I want to really thank these people. They could have not said anything, consume everything I shared and move on with life. But they chose to take the extra step to let me know that they appreciate my work. I may have come across cool to hear it but what they said meant a lot to me.
Knowing how good it could make someone feel, I’ve started giving back. I will walk to a speaker, a busker, an officer and just express my sincerest admiration to them. As I do it often, I realize it doesn’t only feel good to receive compliments, it feels even better to give them. It makes me happy to see someone’s face’s lit up because of what I said.
You probably want to compliment someone because that person does a good job on something. And it takes a lot of practice, preparation, and hard work to make something look simple, effortless and worthy. So it means a lot to them to know that what they work so hard for pays off.
Make someone’s day. Compliment a stranger. Express your appreciation when that person affects in any positive way. That small acknowledgment, to know that someone cares, to know that what they do matter, might be just what that person needs to carry on.