58. The power of vulnerability
I’ve learned to be vulnerable lately. Opening up more about my thoughts, flaws, and failures to friends and strangers. It was scary initially, to let the whole world have so much access to my life.
A month back, I gave a talk about my startup failures in a public workshop. It was uncomfortable, to feel so exposed and let everyone know how I fucked up. But I’ve come to learn that showing vulnerability is the fastest way to be liked and connect with anyone. After the talk, immediately dozens of people approached me to commend my bravery and seek for advice. One guy even asked if I wanted to be his cofounder. I’ve given many talks but never have I received such overwhelming positive response. Talking about what embarrassed you, ironically, got people to actually respect you.
In this world where many try so hard to flaunt how perfect their life is, it could be refreshing to see someone who can be raw. To honestly portray human’s life as it is. Imperfect and full of flaws.
I used to view vulnerability as a weakness. But now I see it as a source of power. When I let go of what has been holding me down, the secret that I am so afraid to share, the thoughts I’ve been hiding to yourself, suddenly, I become limitless. I feel lighter, more confident and true to myself.
Everyone talks about being yourself and living an authentic life. That starts from embracing your fuckedupness and having no shame for being who you are. So live courageously. Be vulnerable.