64. Dealing with rejections
I have faced many rejections in life. And each fresh wound still feels as painful. Particularly those moments when you are just so close to getting it. You’ve fought so hard, you’ve seen the finish line, but crash and fall just near the end.
At times like this, I can’t help but doubt myself. Is there something wrong with me? Do I think too highly of myself? Am I headed in the wrong direction? Do I not have what it takes?
Being the positive person everyone knows me to be, I used to tell myself to suck it up and move on. But I find not taking the time to face the sorrow tends to backfire. Those pains I neglected would come to haunt me in the future and weigh me down, hindering me from moving forward.
So I let myself take it all in. Allow myself to be sad about my rejections. Wallow in my low spirits, listen to sad music and lie in bed with my face down.
That actually helps to put my sorrow to bed and climb to the stage of acceptance. Accept that this is the new reality, understand that it’s in the past and I should focus on the present and what’s ahead of me. I start changing songs from Kodaline’s “All I Want” to Platen’s “Fight Song”. I reflect on how I could do better next time. I start looking at the bright side of things. I substitute my self-pity with pride and gratitude. Proud that I took the action. Thankful that I made it that far.
I’ll remind myself that each rejection is not a sign of failure, it’s another step closer to something better. Slowly but surely, my spirit starts elevating. And those rejections that put me down, they become the whip that I need to propel me further forward.