76. The cost to live on your own terms
Many said to be true to yourself. Do what you love and live life on your own terms. But to what extent can we do that? What if the way of our ‘true’ living is not aligned with what’s expected from our loved ones? What if we’re hurting them by doing so? Is it selfish to live freely for the sake of maximizing our own happiness while reducing others’?
Maturity is when you could think of others, extend your love beyond yourself and care for those who matter.
So when there comes times when your way of living is detrimental to others, a compromise might have to be made. Moms do these all the times. Many sacrifice their careers to raise their kids out of love. The reality is, living on your own terms is not that simple. Things would have been easier if all you have to consider is yourself. But in reality, there are other people, other factors, other priorities that come into play. If you are not dying to live this ‘authentic’ life, and by doing so keep people that you love happy, maybe it’s good to stay where you are.
But then again, isn’t it selfish too for the other people to impose a certain way of living onto you?