80. Snooze is a wasteful illusion
I set my alarm at 5 today but snoozed it until 7 am. Yet, I still wake up feeling groggy and restless. Mind you, that’s after sleeping for 9 hours from 10 pm. I snoozed it for 5 times before I threw the towel and killed the alarm.
I realized that there’s no point in snoozing. Because the moment you wake up before you’re ready, your sleep has been fucked anyway. The extra 5 to 10 minutes do not help to unfuck it at all.
There are different stages of sleep, and it takes a while to get into the restful stage for a sleep to be effective. Because snoozing takes just about 10 minutes before the alarm wakes you up again, you never get enough time to feel restful. I suspect what wakes us up, in the end, is just the guilt for getting late to work.
The extra rest that we think we’re getting from snoozing is just a toxic illusion. We’re better off taking the entire extra one hour for an undisturbed sleep than torturing ourself with the infuriating cycles of sleep sprint. Otherwise, we’re just wasting our precious productive morning hours on sleep that brings zero benefit to the body.
So it’s important to be ruthless from the moment we wake up. Either get up immediately or switch off the alarm entirely. No snooze in between.